Consider the following greedy strategy for finding a shortest path from vertex start to vertex goal in a given connected graph.1: Initialize path to start.2: Initialize set visited to {start}.3: If...
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1. Show that if all the weights in a connected weighted graph G are distinct, then there is exactly one minimum spanning tree for G.2. An old MST method, called Baruvka’s algorithm, works as follows...
1. Give an example of an n-vertex simple graph G that causes Dijkstra’s algorithm to run in Ω(n2 logn) time when its implemented with a heap.2. Give an example of a weighted directed graph with...
An independent set of an undirected graph G = (V,E) is a subset I of V such that no two vertices in I are adjacent. That is, if u and v are in I, then (u,v) is not in E. A maximal independent set M...
George claims he has a fast way to do path compression in a partition structure, starting at a position p. He puts p into a list L, and starts following parent pointers. Each time he encounters a...
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