What is the output of the neuron of P2.1 if it has the following transfer functions?i. Hard limitii. Lineariii. Log-sigmoidP2.1The input to a single-input neuron is 2.0, its weight is 2.3 and its...
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Julia just bought a new computer that uses 64-bit integers to address memory cells. Argue why Julia will never in her life be able to upgrade the main memory of her computer so that it is the...
1. Draw the result of inserting, into an initially empty order-7 B-tree, entries with keys(4,40,23,50,11,34,62,78,66,22,90,59,25,72,64,77,39,12), in this order.2. Describe an efficient...
Write a program that builds the routing tables for the nodes in a computer network, based on shortest-path routing, where path distance is measured by hop count, that is, the number of edges in a...
1. Suppose that instead of having the node-search function f(d) = 1 in an order-d B-tree T, we have f(d) = log d. What does the asymptotic running time of performing a search in T now become?2....
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