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One way to construct a maze starts with an n × n grid such that each grid cell is bounded by four…

One way to construct a maze starts with an n × n grid such that each grid cell is bounded by four…

One way to construct a maze starts with an n × n grid such that each grid cell is bounded by four unit-length walls. We then remove two boundary unit-length walls, to represent the start and finish. For each remaining unit-length wall not on the boundary, we assign a random value and create a graph G, called the dual, such that each grid cell is a vertex in G and there is an edge joining the vertices for two cells if and only if the cells share a common wall. The weight of each edge is the weight of the corresponding wall. We construct the maze by finding a minimum spanning tree T for G and removing all the walls corresponding to edges in T. Write a program that uses this algorithm to generate mazes and then solves them. Minimally, your program should draw the maze and, ideally, it should visualize the solution as well.